CCS (carbon capture storage) processes with LEWA process pumps

Steadily increasing demands for environmental protection put increasingly strict requirements on the machines used in the process industry.

The introduction of the CO2 tax and tighter legal regulations in some countries mean that large volumes of H2S and CO2 separated are being injected in refining processes.

Solutions for CSS with LEWA process pumps

Conventional pump systems, such as piston or centrifugal pumps, can be reliably operated for the injection of hydrogen sulfide/carbon dioxide only by using expensive additional measures. Process diaphragm pumps from LEWA are a reliable solution for these pumping tasks up to outputs of 1000 kW. If two coupled pumps running in parallel are used, this extends to well above 1000 kW.

H2S (acid gas) is an extreme challenge for pump systems:

  • It is very toxic, highly flammable and hazardous to the environment
  • It has poor lubrication properties
  • It has a high vapor pressure

The most important properties of the LEWA process diaphragm pumps for critical applications such as CCS are:

  • Hermetically sealed
  • Previously implemented flows up to 110 m3/h
  • Dry run safe
  • High efficiency even in partial load
  • Diaphragm monitoring system by default
  • Online and offline condition monitoring systems
  • Flexibility due to speed control
  • Variable compositions of material flows and variable back pressures possible
  • Conveying fluids containing solid content is possible
  • High operational safety and availability
  • Long diaphragm service life
  • Low maintenance costs
  • Low lifecycle costs

To optimize the energy efficiency in the CSS compression, for example, a combination of compressors and process diaphragm pumps is recommended.

In order to optimize the energy efficiency during the injection, a combination of compressors and process diaphragm pumps is recommended.

Read more in our technical article

CCS Compression with compressors and process diaphragm pumps

Example: System for injecting CO2, 3-stage reciprocating compressor with triplex diaphragm pump. 

Background for H2S (acid gas)

Process description

Hydrogen sulfide is a compound of sulfur and hydrogen with the chemical formula H2S. It is flammable, colorless, toxic, and smells like rotten eggs. It is a weak acid, whose salts are sulfide and hydrogen sulfide.

In nature, hydrogen sulfide occurs as a very variable component of natural gas and crude oil, as volcanic gas, and in spring water. It also results from rotting and decomposition processes during the breakdown of biomass, at waste disposal sites, or in high pressure wastewater pipelines.

Source: Wikipedia, February 2012

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